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Monday 28 December 2020

A Big Milestone for Q30 (the Quant System)

Today is indeed a happy day for me. When I started the Quantamental service, I was in two minds. Firstly, it was obvious to me that it was a very different approach and something that I did not have a great deal of experience with. For example, I have been investing with a long term quality focus for pretty much the last 20 years but the quant side has cropped up in the last 2-3 years. 

Most of you who signed up for my Long Term Advisory did so because you would have read my posts on Valuepickr, or Economic Times or maybe on Twitter. And I was known (whatever little) as someone who had a long term investment focus. So, I was a bit apprehensive about launching something completely different. Though I always maintain that I identify myself more as a learner than anything else. And quant is just another thing I learnt along the way to try and make sense of this investment puzzle.

Well, a large number of people did sign up for the Quant advisory just based on the trust they had in me. And we started on the 1st of March. It was simply what I call a trial by fire. Within a couple of weeks, there was mayhem in the markets and our system and the conviction in our system got seriously tested. 

And today, I am happy to say that we crossed the 50% return mark at the portfolio level for Q30.

So, what's so great about that, you may ask? The markets are in a tearaway rally and a lot of the stocks are up 40, 50 even 100% from the lows. 

Well, firstly this is a milestone. 

Secondly, it is a very difficult thing for a portfolio of 30 stocks to give this kind of results. The Nifty is up 26.4% in this period and the Nifty 500 is up 24.6% (1st Mar to today). Beating the index by nearly 100% when the index itself has done so well is by no means a small feat. 

Thirdly, all this happened with very low risk. The maximum drawdown and the maximum loss are both reasonably low.

The numbers are all there. And for those who have been part of the journey, you would have witnessed it yourself.

There are only two things I can say, "Thank You" 🙏 

For details of Q30 and for subscribing, please check www.quantamental.in

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